Alumni Statements

During my studies in MLEA -class of 2017-, I had the opportunity to join the Institute of Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg as an intern for two months, where I was exposed to different aspects of research methodologies and legal analysis and learned how scientific papers are conducted. After graduating MLEA and recognized as the top student and received the best thesis award, many opportunities in the academia were opened to me back in Egypt. Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate at the European Doctorate in Law and Economics, with Hamburg as my home university, I think this would not be achieved without studying in MLEA

Emadaldin Abdelrahmana, Ph.D. candidate at the European Doctorate in Law and Economics

Emadaldin Abdelrahman

As an executive with an international business background, the MLEA-program helped me with linking between economics, law and international business therefore, it has simply changed the way I think. As a director heading four global teams, I take strategic decisions related to corporate profitability, international expansion, and global competition therefore I recall all what I learnt during MLEA-program on frequent basis from rational choice theory, institutional economics and behavioural economics. In simple words MLEA was a life-changing program.

Ahmèd Elsawy, Director of Technical Recruitment Squadio

Ahmèd Elsawy

The MLEA program was a turning point in my professional life. It was a practical application of my major studies in both Law and Economics. MLEA qualified me to use the tools of “The Economic Analysis of Legal Institutions“ in the field of international arbitration and settling international investment disputes.

Hesham Abu Gabal, Judge in the Egyptian State Council, and delegated as member of the technical secretariat of the Ministerial Committee for settling investment contracts disputes

Hesham Abu Gabal

It was my pleasure to join the MLEA-program during the academic year 2018/2019. Concisely, it was a turning point in my career, as it boosted my career accomplishments. After graduating from MLEA I was granted a position as a Mediator/Counsellor in a Ministerial Committee of the “Cabinet of Ministers” in Egypt responsible for Reconciliation and Arbitration in international disputes. Since august 2022 I am a legal adviser for the minister of justice in the UAE. I feel nothing but gratitude for all my professors, colleagues, and all the great people I met during my stay in Hamburg.

Ahmed Abaza, Legal advisor for the Minister of Justice of the United Arab Emirates

Ahmed Abaza

The courses at the MLEA-program enhanced my skills as a judge, while being faced with complex legal questions. I learned to view the court as a production unit, linking its inputs (incoming cases) with its outputs (court decisions) and hence measuring court performance, using a quantitative technique. This helped me a lot as a judge to optimise my working strategy and looking at the court resolution process from a different perspective.

Mohamed Gomaa, Judge at the Court of Appeal, State Council, the Egyptian Ministry of Justice. An expert ambassador at the European Legal Tech Association (ELTA).

Mohamed Gomaa

MLEA is the best place to have an edge as legal professional, it helps broaden your horizons with all the vital economic areas associated with law, within a specialized and supportive environment.

Ahmed Sameh, Deputy of the Egyptian Public Prosecutor


Student Statements

This program was a great addition to my educational path. It allowed me to see the inextricable link between law and economics. The program equipped me with a unique perspective and skillset allowing me to stand out as a Lawyer.

Farah Semeda, Legal Consultation Specialist at the Central Bank of Egypt

Farah Semeda

My experience in the MLEA program was very beneficial and educational. The different modules we took throughout the entire journey in FEPS and ILE, provided me with the opportunity to learn how to apply the economic theory and methods to the analysis of law. I would definitely recommend this program.

Youssef Hany Hammouda


This program has greatly improved my analytical thinking and research skills. Throughout the program I have learned how to analyse different rules and legal issues and have a deep understanding of the economic reasoning behind the formation of specific laws.

Catherine Badie, Research Assistant at the Institute of Law and Economics Hamburg
